Podczas doboru części korzystaj z informacji zawartych w katalogu TecAlliance. Dopasowywanie części powinno odbywać się po numerze nadwozia VIN. Daty występujące w nawiasach oznaczają całościowe lata produkcji podanego modelu auta, nie są to konkretne lata zastosowania części w tym samochodzie.
Even now, I'm tempted to try some WeaponShield, but the price difference isn't the only thing. Do a Google search and you turn up NOTHING on WS.
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"Weapon Shield"? Isn't Fennel the guy that made FP-10? What happened to that stuff? It was supposed to be the wonder lube so I bought a bunch and my Uzi and AR both run dry with it - and it doesn't take long. My XD's and 1911's run fine with whatever but I need something more for those 2. Â
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To be perfectly honest, while lubrication is very important, I want the steel surfaces of my guns to be protected, too. It may be easy to "set" a lube in a desert, but where can one find a hairdryer in the woods?
Sou apaixonado pelo empreendedorismo, caminhão e ônibus e Este momento me dedico 100% aos amigos caminhoneiros usando noticias e dicas da estrada.
Tem um dizer popular qual diz de modo a morrer basta estar vivo, eu diria que de modo a ser taxado basta enviar um pacote, você não sabe exatamente quando vai ser taxado, contudo um dia acontece.
Would I harm a blade by putting it in an oven set at 140ish for about 15 minutes, then apply the militec? Thats the only way I have to know what its temperature is.
Militec is a metal conditioner, not a lube. It ver este site can be used as a wet lube, but it will bake into the recursos úteis metal as you fire the weapon.
Okay, I just finished reading through ZeSpectre's excellent review of the lubes, including Gunzilla, and I'd love to try WeaponShield. Now where can I buy it?
MILITEC-1 is ideal for firearms that are exposed to harsh weather conditions. After proper application, a light coat of MILITEC-1 is highly corrosion resistant—approximately three times more effective in preventing rust than aqui estão as descobertas MilSpec CLP.
Я ÑоглашаюÑÑŒ на передачу перÑональных данных ÑоглаÑно политике конфиденциальноÑти и пользовательÑкому Ñоглашению.